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Writer: Tri-Cities RoofingTri-Cities Roofing

When people think of getting a new roof, they often think about shingles or metal, maybe even cedar shake. They think of the material that will go on top of the roof that they will see but there are many other materials that make your roof function as it should. These additional materials are the glue that holds the health of your roof together. At a later time we will cover the importance and steps to take in finding a worthy roofing contractor. Today we will just cover something that a good contractor is going to ensure is a part of your home, ventilation.

There are two types of ventilation systems that will be located on your roof, Intake and Exhaust. Intake is bringing air in to your home, exhaust lets air out of your home. Both are very important to the health of your house. These two systems work together to ensure that fresh air is circulating under your home. If there is a build up of hot air in your attic, or under your roof, it will overheat the shingles, which will lead to damage to your shingles and the integrity of your home. This will be especially damaging during the winter, as the cold air outside meets the internal heat, it will create ice dams.

The two most common forms of ventilation of these types are ridge vents and soffit vents. A ridge vent will be installed on every roof that we install, it will allow the air from your home to expel safely and efficiently. A soffit vent is your intake vent, which will let air come into your home from the underside of your eave. We recommend looking into this option with your gutter specialist and consider getting it installed for your home.

We hope you have enjoyed this article, and that you have learned something. Please feel free to contact us using the bubble at the bottom of our website for any questions or concerns.


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